Alumni Connect

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

Free Q&A Calls

Opportunities for Alumni Engagement

Join the Newfield Alumni Committee on Tuesday,
July 23, 2024, at 3 pm ET | 12 pm PT for a live, interactive webinar!

Want to learn more about how the Newfield Network Alumni Community can serve you? Join us to learn about all the opportunities Newfield alumni have to engage, continue learning, and build our global community.

Learning in Action (LIA) Alumni Monthly Dialogues

Once we have gone through the Newfield coaching certification program, we are profoundly aware of the importance of community, connection, and learning in our lives. With this deep experience, many of us crave to actively and continuously be part of a community. We know the power of co-inspiring each other to evolve through presence and rich conversation. These Learning in Action (LIA) conversations are one way to nourish our collective unfolding with Alumni Connect.

Alumni Connect

These alumni dialogues are the perfect place where we can show up fully and engage in a sacred environment where we reflect collectively and co-generate a beautiful shared future. In these conversations, we draw upon our collective community wisdom and pave the road for co-designing a thriving alumni community.

LIA video calls are an open invitation to our alumni and are free. You are always welcome to join. No previous attendance of calls is needed in order to participate. These calls are designed and lead by our alumni.


  • We offer one LIA call every month – the first Thursday at 12 pm ET/10 am MT.
  • Archives – You can access recordings of our past LIA calls 24/7.
  • Comment – You can post comments about each topic.

Newfield Alumni Calendar

This alumni calendar is where you will find all things alumni! It includes detailed information such as dates, times, locations and descriptions of all upcoming graduate events:

  • Alumni Monthly Learning in Action Meetings
  • Alumni Meet-Ups
  • Program Re-immersion Dates
  • Other Course Offerings – such as our annual summer summit

The calendar can be printed or downloaded to your personal electronic calendar. Be sure to check you have your personal time zone selected for your location before doing so.

Alumni Directory

If you completed the Newfield Coaching for Personal and Professional Mastery Program in the US, Canada, Europe or South Africa, you are invited to register and include your information in the Newfield Network Alumni Directory. This is our gift to you, our alumni. The directory allows you to stay connected to the alumni community. It also allows people who are searching for a coach to find you on ‘Find A Coach.’

It is an amazing resource for:

  • Expanding your outreach
  • Connecting to other graduates in your area
  • Networking with the broader Newfield community
  • Letting potential clients know about your offer

Newfield Alumni Facebook Group

Newfield Network Alumni is a Facebook Group that keeps you connected to your coaching certification community. We currently have over 280 members and would love to see many more join. It is a closed group, so send your request to join today!

Community Conversations

Share questions, ideas, and thoughts with other Newfield graduates via our social media. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also watch our videos on YouTube and Vimeo.

The Newfield Discovery Blog

Newfield Discovery: A Journey of Embodied Coaching, Living and Leadership

Our blog is about exploring coaching and personal and professional development. Its about sharing hope, sharing distinctions and seeing what is possible. Now you can stay connected to your tribe in a new way, be inspired, find articles to share with your community, clients and friends, stay in the know about Newfield latest happenings, and more.

The Newfield Ignite Podcast

The purpose of the Newfield Ignite Podcast is to bring you dialogues at the edge of what is possible. You will engage with a like-minded podcast community and be stirred by ideas and discoveries from some of the worlds’ leading-edge coaches, teachers, and luminaries. We will discuss ideas such as spirit, success, coaching certification, and much more. This podcast will transform the way you see the world and invite you to stay alive within ever unfolding new conversations. Only together can we discover the complexity and compassion necessary to address our global concerns.

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